Started from the 47th issue, the public open access (Open Access) authorization of Cheng Kung Law Review have been adjusted to the following four methods:
1. The full text is available for download without any restrictions on copying or printing.
2. The full text is available for public download that prohibits text copying and printing.
3. The full text is available for reading online that prohibits text copying and printing.
4. No Open Access
Open Access of the 47th issue:
Issue |
Author |
Title |
Authorized Type |
47 |
Dr. Yue-Dian Hsu, Jun-Chin Wu |
Legislative Review of the Introduction of Anti-Sumptuary Clauses into the Administrative Enforcement Law |
1 |
47 |
Meng-Yen, Tsai |
The Japanese Tax Measure for the Succession to Businesses Provides Valuable Insights for Our Country’s Family Asset Succession |
1 |
47 |
Wang-Sheng Chen |
Analysis of the Attribution Order in Property Rights of “Rights Transfer” in Urban Renewal: A Study Based on the Method of Jurisprudence of “Concordance of the Legal Order” |
1 |
Open Access of the 45th ~ 46th issues:
1. The full text is available for download without any restrictions on copying or printing.
2. The full text is available for public download that prohibits text copying and printing.
3. The full text is available for reading online without restrictions on copying or printing.
4. The full text is available for reading online that prohibits text copying and printing.
5. No Open Access
Issue |
Author |
Title |
Authorized Type |
46 |
Wei-In Tsai |
Further Construction of Social Rights in Judicial Process |
2 |
46 |
Sheng-Wei Tsai |
The Legal Effect of Article 55 of the Criminal Law |
1 |
46 |
Chao-Cheng Hung |
The Relationship of Sharing-evidence between Administrative Investigations and Criminal Investigations |
1 |
46 |
Huan-Wu Chen, Hsiu-I Yang |
Smart Medical Device and the Physician’s Duty of Care: A Preliminary Study (2) |
1 |
45 |
Ming Chen |
Digital Market Competition Policy and Economic Order: Reflections on EU Digital Market Law |
2 |
45 |
Huan-Wu Chen, Hsiu-I Yang |
Smart Medical Device and the Physician’s Duty of Care: A Preliminary Study (1) |
1 |
45 |
Chia-Yi Lin |
Consumer Protection Mechanism for Third-Party Payment Services and Electronic Payment Institutions: A Discussion on the Feasibility of the Application of FTC Act |
1 |
45 |
Tzu-Te Wen |
Judges’ Legal Instructions to Citizen Judges and Appellate Court Review Standards of Legal Instructions: From an American Perspective to Review the Taiwanese System |
4 |
Previous authorization remains the same:
1. Full-text download.
1.1. No printing.
1.2. No printing and no copy/paste.
2. Read online.
2.1.No printing.
2.2. No printing and no copy/paste.
3. No Open Access
Open Access Articles as follows:
Issue |
Author |
Title |
Authorized Type |
44 |
Chao-Ju Chen |
Marry Out and Become an Outsider, Marry in and Become a Citizen : Marriage as a mediating mechanism of women’s indigenous status and nationality |
1 |
44 |
Heng-da Hsu |
A Reflective Study on Offense of Participants’ Interference with Public Order |
1 |
44 |
Shou-Peng Huang |
Discussing the Secrecy of Final Deliberation of the Lay Judge System in Taiwan from the Principle of Fair Trial |
1 |
43 |
Chao-Chin Chan |
The Development of the Notion “Legal Philosophy” from the 17th to the Beginning of the 19th Century |
1 |
43 |
Wen-Chin Chen |
Exploring Local Tax Issues from Financial Rights of Local Self-Governing Organizations |
1.2 |
43 |
Ying-Chieh Lu |
Prison Advisory Committee System and Its Practice in Germany |
1.1 |
43 |
Yu-Am Hsu |
Legitimacy of Defending Democracy Using Criminal Law: Review of Criminal Legislation of Anti-infiltration Act |
1.2 |
42 |
Chih-Jen Hsueh |
Constitutional Review of the Adultery: Discussion of Judicial Yuan Interpretation |
1 |
42 |
Chung-Hsin Hsu |
A Comparative Research on Product-by-Process Claims |
1 |
42 |
Yii-Der sU |
The Formation and Practice of the French Unitary System in Patent Litigation. |
1.2 |
42 |
Chao-Tsung Huang |
Price Maintenance Theory in Securities Fraud Cases |
1 |
41 |
Wei-In Tsai |
Reconstructing the Concept of Social Rights in Constitutional Law |
1 |
41 |
Teng-Ko Hsu |
The Compensation and Damage Due to Pre-Contract Termination of Private Paicipation in Infrastructure Projects in Case of Public Policy Changing: Forcus on Three Related Judgements of Supreme Administrative Court |
1.2 |
41 |
Yu-Wei Cheng |
Retrospection of 10 Years of Development of Consumer Debt Clearance Act and Prospects: Comparison with Contemporary Bankruptcy Law in the United States |
2.2 |
41 |
Ming-Tsung Chen |
A case Study on the Revocation of Yu Yanru’s Doctoral Degree by Peking University in China |
1.2 |
40 |
Yi-Tien Lin |
Establishment of Paternal Affiliation of Illegitimate Child through Facts or Factual Actions: Comparative Observations between the Main Legislation in Comparative Laws and the Nurture Provision under Art. 1065 para. 1 pt. 2 of the Civil Code of Taiwan |
1 |
40 |
Wei-Chung Lin |
A Legal Analysis of the 2019 Taiwan-Vietnam Bilateral Investment Agreement: An Evaluation of Its Effectiveness in Protecting Taiwanese Investors |
1 |
40 |
Wan-Ting Hsieh, Chia-Wei Hung |
Professional Collaboration between Doctors and Lawyers in Advance Care Planning. |
1.2 |
39 |
Wen-Chin Chen |
Concept and Questions of Special Levies: An Analysis of Judgement (Pan Tzu No. 68) of the Supreme Administrative Court 2015 |
1.2 |
39 |
Tian-Yi Wang |
The Evolution of the Concept of Failed Attempt |
1 |
39 |
Wen-Hsuan Su |
A Study on Protection of the Trade Dress and the Relative Regulations |
1.2 |
39 |
Jung-Chin Kuo |
Study on Legal Issues, Regulatory Models and Recent Legislation of Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from the United States |
1.2 |
38 |
Wan-Ju Yeh |
Termination of Construction Contract |
2.2 |