ISSN 1680-6719
The Archive
The Archive
Page: 1﹣60 從基隆護海公投案論中央與地方之權限劃分與監督 Division of Authority and Supervision Between the Central and Local Governments from the Keelung Referendum on Marine Conservation
Meng-Han Tsai
Referendum Act, Local Referendum, Local Self-Government, Division of Authority, Environmental Protection
Chinese abstract

English abstract
With the transformation of our country’s energy policy, existing thermal and nuclear power plants are gradually decommissioned or rebuilt, and the demand for new power plants is becoming more urgent. However, the emergence of large-scale development projects is bound to conflict with environmental protection. Recently, the call for local autonomy with a focus on environmental protection has been increasing, repeatedly conflicting with the central government’s development policies. The reason for this impasse is that our country’s division of authority between the central and local governments is unclear. However, the system of power allocation involves constitutional provisions, and if there is a desire to make changes, it may require an amendment to the constitution. Therefore, before thorough review and revision of the legal system, there is a need for individual discussions on specific matters of authority. Therefore, this article critically examines the arguments put forth by the central and local authorities in the current dispute, assesses whether they align with the system of central and local separation of powers as defined by our country’s constitution, and presents the opinions of this article.

At this time, the increase in the construction of the Xiehe Power Plant has led to a situation where local people want to stop it through a local referendum, resulting in a disagreement between the central and local governments. The current Referendum Act in our country lacks enoughs pecific provisions for such authority disputes, resulting in a regulatory loophole. This article will also refer to the norms of specific professional laws, such as the Local Government Act, the Electricity Act, and the Commercial Port Act, put forward the solution of the current law, and make suggestions on legislation, trying to solve the dispute from the system. And it is hoped that through an enhanced oversight mechanism, adverse consequences such as the waste of administrative costs and tense central-local relations resulting from excessive intervention measures can be avoided.
2024/ 12

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