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The Child’s Contestation Period of Marital Paternity under the Art. 1063 para. 3 of the Civil Code (1): A Comparative Observation between the Civil Code of Taiwan and the Main Legislations in Continental Europe
Yi-Tien Lin
Presumption of Paternity, Paternity, Contesting Right, Action of Contesting Paternity, Contestation Period, Legal Stability, Parentage
Chinese abstract
English abstract
While the paternity arising from marriage is without parentage connection, the child is conferred with the right to institute an action of contesting paternity. In the main foreign legislations in continental Europe, the contesting right of the child could be either subject or not subject to the limitation of the contestation period. While the contesting right of the child is introduced in 2007 in the Art. 1063 para. 2 of the Civil Code of Taiwan, the child must exercise his contesting right within 2 years after his discovery of the paternity without parentage connection under Art. 1063 para. 3. Therefore, contesting right of the child is excluded while the period elapses. By imposing the limitation of contestation period on the child, legal stability of paternity could be achieved while the period elapses. Therefore, the interest of husband to be supported by the child could be secured, as well as the maintenance of mother’s marriage and the harmony in the family. However, this excludes contesting right of all the children and further restricts their personal interest to pursue true connection of parentage. Therefore, the legitimacy of such restriction is doubtful in the case the these interests might not actually exist, or the exercising of contesting right from the child might not affect these interests. On the other hand, the personal interest excluded by the limitation of the period is essential for the child. After weighing these interests, the child’s personal interest should be protected first de lege ferenda, i.e. the child should not be subject to the limitation of the contestation period. In additional, a provision to maintain the support obligation while exercising the contesting right should also be introduced. Therefore the interest of the husband to be supported and the personal interest of the child to pursue true connection of parentage can be balanced.