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Page: 81﹣175
Prison Advisory Committee System and Its Practice in Germany
Ying-Chieh Lu
prisons, detention, external inspections, prison advisory committees
Chinese abstract
我國新近引入監所的外部視察制度,其如何實踐會影響著該制度的成敗。本文認為可以借鏡其他國家已運行多年的相類制度之經驗,提供我國在踐行監所外部視察制度的參考指引,並且避免效果不彰的做法。由於我國監所外部視察小組在立法理由中提 到參考了德國「監獄諮詢委員會」制度,但我國卻幾乎沒有文獻對德國「監獄諮詢委員會」制度及其相關議題有所介紹。因此,本文介紹德國「監獄諮詢委員會」制度、功能及其實務運作狀況與相關實證研究成果,供我國監所之實務作為參考。又,雖然我國的外部視察制度新上路,但是本文最後仍會對於我國該制度法制面與實踐面提出相關批評與建議。
English abstract
Taiwan has recently introduced an external inspection system for prisons and detention, and how it is practiced will affect the success or failure of the system. This article believes that we can draw on the experience of similar systems that have been in operation in other countries for many years to provide a reference guide for Taiwan to practice the external inspection system of prisons and detention, and to avoid ineffective practices. Although the external inspection system of our prisons referred to the German “Prison Advisory Committee” system in its legislative reasons, Taiwan has almost no literature on the German “Prison Advisory Committee” system and related issues. Therefore, this article introduces the German “Prison Advisory Committee” system, function and actual operation status and related empirical research results for reference of the practice of prisons in our country. In addition, although Taiwan’s external inspection system is on the new road, this article will still put forward relevant criticisms and suggestions on the legal and practical aspects of this system in Taiwan at the end of this article.
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